Check this page regularly for meeting information.
The next PSSF meeting will be
MARCH 27, 2025
and will be held at the flying field.
Social time begins at 6:00 pm and the
business meeting at 6:30.
Check this page regularly for meeting information.
The next PSSF meeting will be
MARCH 27, 2025
and will be held at the flying field.
Social time begins at 6:00 pm and the
business meeting at 6:30.
To see a list of 2025 meeting dates,Click Here
To see a list of 2025 meeting dates,
Click Here
No field closures are scheduled at this time:
But this season we are going to try to have an informal but scheduled hand launch glider (F3k) meet-up/ fun throw/ clinic on Fridays from 8am to 10am. The field is open to all, but power pilots should know there will be more activity on the runway in the form of launches and retrieval.
Come on out if you have something to chuck, want to learn more or are simply curious. We hope to have a few demo gliders and are happy to help with repairs and programming.
Scroll down for important information on:
Next Meeting
Field closuresBoard meetings
DuesPSSF Membership
Scroll down for important information on:
Next Meeting
Field closures
Board meetings
PSSF Membership
Board Meetings
Board Meetings
None scheduled at this time
None scheduled at this time

Dues are now being collected.
For flying members dues are $55.00, and for non-flying or junior members they are $12.00 per year.
Please mail a filled-out membership form
(Available here)
and a check made out to PSSF, to our Treasurer,
John Smith at:
3031 61st. Ct. SE, Olympia, WA 98501
Please enclose a SASE so John can send you a current PSSF sticker for your AMA card.
It's time to pay your 2025 dues

PSSF MembershipAttaining membership in Puget Sound Silent Flyers involves two steps: 1. First you must be a member of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA). To join, click on the red button below and follow the procedure for becoming a member. 2. Click on the red button below. Then click the tab at the lower left. When the PDF file comes up, print out the form and follow the directions carefully. Membership forms are also available at our flying field. For directions click here
PSSF Membership
Attaining membership in Puget Sound Silent Flyers involves two steps:
1. First you must be a member of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA). To join, click on the red button below and follow the procedure for becoming a member.
2. Click on the red button below. Then click the tab at the lower left. When the PDF file comes up, print out the form and follow the directions carefully.
Membership forms are also available at our flying field. For directions click here